Gogebic Community College

Secondary Education

High school students in a hallway

Secondary Education Program Overview

  • Associate Degree
  • 2 Years
  • Both Campuses


Secondary education schoolteachers help students delve more deeply into subjects introduced in elementary school and learn more about the world and about themselves. To work in a public school, students must obtain licensure. Each state has different requirements for obtaining a teacher’s license—most require a Baccalaureate degree within a specialized area such as Mathematics, History, English, Science, etc., a teaching internship, and the passing of a state-administered exam.  

Unique Features

  • Transferable to a college or university for a Baccalaureate Degree  


  • Students are required to work closely with the transfer coordinator and intended transfer institution to select relevant coursework  
  • Transfer institutions require a GPA of 2.7 or higher and satisfactory scores on a basic skills test  



Courses at Gogebic

Prefix Title Credits
COL 101 College and Transfer Success 1
ENG 101 English Composition I 3
ENG 102 English Composition II 3
PLS 101 Intro. to American Government 3
PSY 101 General Psychology 4
MTH 108 or higher College Level Math 4
EDU 201 Introduction to Education (fall only) 3
General Science/Lab Science General Science/Lab Science 3-4
General Science/Lab Science General Science/Lab Science 3-4
Humanities Electives Humanities Electives 3-4
Prefix Title Credits
COM 106 Public Speaking 3
PSY 210 Lifespan Development (spring only) 4
Humanities Electives Humanities Electives 3-4
Transfer Electives Transfer Electives 18-24
Total Credits: 63-69

Additional Information

Humanities: The required Humanities courses must come from at least two different disciplines. General/Lab Sciences: The 2 required General/Lab Science courses must come from two different disciplines with at least one including a laboratory experience. Transfer Electives: Work with the Education advisor to determine the optimal coursework needed for transferring to your selected bachelor's degree program.

Scenic Background