Gogebic Community College

Student Records

The Office of the Registrar



The Office of the Registrar

The Office of the Registrar at Gogebic Community College serves the campus community by performing a wide range of functions related to student records management, transfer coordination and academic policy administration.

The Office of the Registrar is dedicated to providing consistent high quality student-centered services with high ethical and professional values in all areas; maintaining accuracy, integrity, and privacy of student records.

Additional Student Forms


Use this form to add a program to your current degree or change your program of study. 

Change or add a program form


Use this form to request a change in advisors. 

Advisor Change Request Form

In an effort to increase educational goal obtainment and reduce barriers to enrollment and progression, Grade Re-evaluation allows current students who have a past unsuccessful academic record to restart their educational experience. This re-evaluation permits students to reset their Grade Point Average when previous academic performance is not reflective of the student’s current academic level or ability. This policy will assist the student whose grade point average from a previous semester is significantly lower than the work the student has completed in current semesters.

Grade re-evaluation is a one-time-only opportunity. The permanent academic record shall be annotated in such way that all work remains legible, ensuring a true an accurate academic history. A student may request up to 18 semester hours of course work to be annotated and removed from the computation of the student’s grade point average.

Grade Re-evaluation Application

Regularly enrolled students may in some subject areas, be able to earn credit for a course offered by the college through successful completion of a comprehensive examination or series of examinations.  Students who believe they have mastered a course through life experience or past training, at the discretion of the Division Chairperson, instructor, and advisor, make application by completing this form.  The examination fee of $20.00 per credit hour is due prior to the time of examination.  On the recommendation of the Division Chairperson and the instructor, credit will be entered on the student’s transcript.

Once this form is submitted it will go through an approval process. If you do not receive a response regarding your application within 5 business days contact the GCC Registrar, Karen Ball karenball@gogebic.edu.

Use this form to override the GCC placement recommendation and register for a class that is higher level then recommended. 

Release from Responsibility form 



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