Board Policy
Click on the series number below to review the policy.
Series 100 - Governance
102 Mission, Vision, Core Values, and Philosophy
105 Student and Staff Participation in College Operations
107 Formulation and Review of Policies
109 Membership in Regional, State and National Associations
110 Compliance with Applicable Laws, Rules and Regulations
111 Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination
112 Open Meetings Act Compliance
Series 200 - Administrative Function
202 Line and Staff Organization
206 Procedure for Presenting Recommendations to the Board of Trustees
207 Use of College Name, Seal and Logotype
208 Institutional Student Success Initiative
211 Firearms and Weapons Possession
212 Campus Alert (Timely Warning)
215 COVID-19 Pandemic Safety Protocols
Series 300 - Instruction
305 Instructional Class Sessions
313 Program Advisory Committee
Series 400 - Student Services
401 Statement of Philosophy and Guiding Principles
402 Quality Assurance Statement
403 Admission Policy and Requirements
406 Residence Requirements - District Resident (Gogebic County, MI)
407 Michigan Resident (Non-District)
409 Out-of-State (Wisconsin Reciprocity Area)
411.1 Veterans´ Access, Choice and Accountability Act, Sec. 702
416 Federal Title IV Financial Aid Withdrawal Policy
420 Classification of Students
435 Graduation - General Requirements
445 College and University Transfer Requirements
454 Withdrawing From, Dropping or Adding Courses
460 Student Conduct/Discipline
462 Guidelines for Disciplinary Procedures
469 Illegal Controlled Substances
475 College Social Activities and Organizations
476 Eligibility for Student Activities
479 Academic Probation and Suspension Policy
484 Student Financial Aid - Loan Limitations
490 Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
491 Pregnancy and Related Conditions
Series 500 - Business Function
502 Administrative Cost Recovery
504 Capitalization of Fixed Assets
505 Use of 2010 Tax Levy Funds
506 Deficits - Auxiliary Enterprises Fund
513 Income - Gifts, Grants and Bequests
514 Expenditures - Pay Periods and Dates
515 Collection of Outstanding Debts
516 Non-Sufficient Funds Checks
517 Travel Allowance Guidelines
532 Surplus Property Disposition
533 Access Corridors to College Property
540 Use of College Facilities and Equipment
542 Use of Auto Service Facilities
543 Use of Graphic Arts Facilities
544 Use of College Computer Facilities and Equipment
545 Use of College Facilities - Gratuities to Personnel Prohibited
546 Relations between College Personnel and the Public - Gifts to College
563 Bloodborne Pathogens - Exposure Control
570 Conflict of Interest - College Trustees and Employees
573 Information Technology Policy
574 Security of Buildings and Grounds Policy
575 Campus Access and Security
576 Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures
Series 600 - Personnel
601 Personnel - Employment Policy
602 Employment & Dismissal of Employees
605 Personnel Employment Procedures
614 Personnel - Salary Guidelines
615 Personnel - Re-Assignments
618 Personnel - Non-Affiliated Retirement
619 Personnel - Fringe Benefits
620 Personnel - Tuition Waiver
623 Personnel - Personal Leave - Non-Affiliated Staff
624 Personnel - Sick Leave - Non-Affiliated Staff
625 Personnel - Personal Liability Insurance
626 Personnel - Group Life Insurance - Non-Affiliated Staff
630 Employee Acceptable Use of Information Systems
631 Personnel - Family Medical Leave Act
632 Personnel - Relationships with Students
633 College Cell Phone Policies and Procedures
634 Policy for the Performance of Work at a Personal Residence
636 Interim Appointment Policy
637 Pregnancy and Nursing Protections Policy