*Tuition Rates for 2024-2025

In-District - Gogebic County Resident $144.00 per Credit Hour
Out-of-District - Other Michigan Counties $205.00 per Credit Hour
Out-of-District - Wisconsin Reciprocity Area     $205.00 per Credit Hour
Out-of-State $235.00 per Credit Hour
International $274.00 per Credit Hour

What does it cost to attend Gogebic Community College?

Annual Tuition, Institutional Fees and Books
(Based on 30 Credits - note that some courses also include lab fees)

In-District - Gogebic County Resident
Tuition & Fees* (includes $1,348 of fees)          $5,668  
Books and Supplies $1,500 
Total $7,168  
Out-of-District - Other Michigan Counties
Tuition & Fees* (includes $1,348 of fees)  $7,498
Books and Supplies $1,500 
Total $8,998
Out-of-District - Wisconsin Reciprocity Area
Tuition & Fees* (includes $1,348 of fees)  $7,498
Books and Supplies $1,500
Total $8,998
Tuition & Fees* (includes $1,348 of fees)  $8,398
Books and Supplies $1,500 
Total $9,898
Tuition & Fees* (includes $1,348 of fees)  $9,568
Books and Supplies $1,500
Total $11,068

Institutional Fees:

The following details the updated list of new and existing institutional and course fees for the 2024-2025 academic year. 

Information Technology Fee:
$4 per credit hour up to a maximum of $60.

Institutional Fee: $4 per credit hour up to a maximum of $60.

Student Services/Activity Fee: $60 per semester for student carrying six or more credits.

Public Computer Use Fee: $5 per hour (two hours maximum).

Internet Course Fee: $20 per internet course.

Directed Study Fee: $20 per credit in addition to tuition and other fees.

Credit by Examination: $15 per credit hour.

Transcript Fee: $5 (presently enrolled students excluded)

Facilities Fee: $4 per credit hour

Contact Hour Charge - An added tuition charge is assessed for any course which has instructional contact hours greater than the credit hour value of a course. The fee for excess contact hours is currently set at the in-district tuition rate, but is subject to change as tuition rates change. This rate is set the same for all students regardless of residency status. The maximum number of contact hours a student may be charged each semester is set at three, limiting the current overall contact hour charge.

Example: BIO 101 Principles of Biology I is a four credit course which meets each week for three hours of lecture and three hours of lab, for a total of six instructional contact hours per week. In this course, the credit value of the course (4) is less than the weekly hours of instruction (6) by two (2) hours. There is a charge added to the student's bill for these two extra contact hours.

Course Fees

On campus housing in the GCC Campus Suites is available for $1,900 per semester and $3,800 per year for double occupancy. Housing on the GCC campus includes a kitchen, Internet access, and all utilities. Call (906) 307-1267 for application information.

Housing is also available in the local area. Prices vary. Check the local newspapers or realty agencies for assistance.

Personal expenses for food, clothing, transportation, and misc. depends on personal needs and spending habits. Our average budget for students excluding rent is $6,200.

*All rates have been approved by the Gogebic Community College Board of Trustees and are subject to change without notice.

For more information contact the admissions office
Phone 1.906.307-1207
or toll free 1.800.682.5910