Accessibility Services
Office of Accessibility Services
ACES Center
Accessibility Services
Students who request accommodations for upcoming semesters must provide ample time for the Office of Accessibility Services to arrange accurate and timely services. It is suggested that students meet with the Director at least two weeks prior to the beginning of each semester. Late requests may not be honored in a timely fashion.
Request Services Here:
Students who request services must:
- Complete the Office of Accessibility Services Application.
- Provide the Office of Accessibility Services with appropriate documentation of the disability.
- Be willing to pursue diagnostic testing if not already processed, so staff can determine the eligibility for services, and allow documentation of the disability to be reviewed and maintained in a file while attending Gogebic Community College.
- Schedule an appointment with the Office of Accessibility Services to review accommodation policies and procedures and to develop an accommodation plan based on documented needs.
- Notify the Office of Accessibility Services if accommodations are insufficient, or if changes occur related to the nature of the disability, which may affect the accommodation plan. Students who request accommodations are responsible for following through with requested services (i.e. students who request note taking services must pick up their notes regularly during the course of the semester and notify the Office of Accessibility Services if notes or other services are not sufficient).
- Renew the accommodation plan each semester.
The Office of Accessibility Services at Gogebic Community College considers the following Documentation Requirements/Standards when reviewing a student's documentation of a disability in the course of determining reasonable and appropriate accommodations for the student. Gogebic Community College's requirements are adapted from recommendations from the Association for Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) - specifically AHEAD's document: Seven essential elements of quality disability documentation. Gogebic Community College does not provide assessment and/or diagnostic testing for disabilities, or provide funding for the student to receive testing.
Section 504 and ADA define a disability as “a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities.” Reasonable accommodations are determined on the current impact of the disability on academic performance. The diagnostic evaluation should be age-appropriate, relevant to postsecondary education, and show the student's current functional limitations within the academic setting. If documentation does not address the individual's current functional limitations, the student may be asked to provide additional documentation. Certain disabilities which are readily observable may require less extensive documentation, while less obvious conditions may require extensive documentation to help determine appropriate and reasonable accommodations. In most cases, documentation need only be provided once. Some medical and mental health-related conditions, however, may require status updates due to their changing nature.
Please contact the GCC Accessibility Services Office with any questions: (906) 307-1271.
- Adaptive Equipment
- Advanced Notification of assignments/tests
- Alternate Texts
- Assistive Listening Devices
- Enlarged Material
- Interpreter
- Note taker
- Testing Accommodations (extended testing time, testing in a quiet space