Gogebic Community College

Michigan Grants and Scholarships


Michigan Funding Opportunities

Michigan offers scholarships and grants for Michigan residents.  A completed Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is also required.

Learn more about Michigan grants and scholarships by reviewing the below information.



The Tuition Incentive Program (TIP) encourages eligible Medicaid recipients to complete high school by providing tuition assistance during an eligible student’s qualifying certificate or associate degree program and during the student’s bachelor’s degree program. These two periods of assistance are referred to as ‘Phase I’ and ‘Phase II’ and are detailed later in the Program Limits section.

•        Only students who were identified by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) as having met the Michigan Medicaid eligibility requirement may be considered for TIP.

•     MDHHS only considers students who had a qualifying form of Medicaid for 24 months within a 36 month period between age nine and high school completion as having met the Medicaid eligibility requirement.

Students, as young as 12, who have been identified as meeting the Medicaid eligibility requirement will be sent a notification about their TIP eligibility.

TIP Eligibility

Michigan Reconnect is a scholarship program that pays for students 25 and older to attend their in-district community college and offers a large tuition discount if students attend an out-of-district community college. Students can use the scholarship to complete an associate degree or a skill certificate program.

Learn More

The Michigan Achievement Scholarship (MI Achievement) provides renewable scholarships for undergraduate students who graduate from high school in Michigan with a diploma, certificate of completion, or achieved a high school equivalency certificate in 2023 or after. Students must be attending an eligible Michigan postsecondary institution.

  • The Community College Guarantee helps recent high school graduates earn a skill certificate or associate degree at their local community college tuition-free (In-district Rate and Fees Only)!
  • All recent Michigan high school graduates are eligible—regardless of family income.
  • If you receive the federal Pell grant, you’re eligible for a $1,000 bonus to help pay for living expenses like books, transportation, and rent.

Michigan Achievement Scholarship Eligibility

This scholarship provides eligible foster youth with scholarship funds for tuition, fees, room/board, books, and supplies required for enrollment.

You must have been in foster care on or after your 13th birthday to qualify.

Fostering Futures Scholarship Eligibility

The Police Officer’s and Fire Fighter’s Survivor Tuition Grant (STG) provides for the waiver of tuition at a Michigan community college or public university for children and surviving spouses of Michigan police officers and fire fighters killed in the line of duty. The program is intended to provide an educational benefit to the spouse and children of police officers and fire fighters who made the ultimate sacrifice for their communities and the citizens of Michigan.

Police Officer's and Fire Fighter's Survivor Tuition Grant

The Children of Veterans Tuition Grant (CVTG) provides undergraduate tuition assistance to the children of qualified disabled, deceased, or missing in action (MIA) Michigan veterans.

Children of Veterans Tuition Grant Eligibility

Students meeting the criteria may be eligible for a full waiver of tuition while working on their program at GCC Beginning summer of 2010, the Michigan Indian Tuition Waiver, previously administered by the Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan, will be administered by the Michigan Department of Civil Rights (MDCR), as directed by the Michigan Indian Tuition Waiver law, Public Act 174 of 1976. Students seeking the waiver must submit a certified application and supporting documentation to MDCR prior to receiving the waiver. MDCR will review the application and provide information concerning the waiver to GCC.

Students must meet the following criteria to be eligible for the MITW:

  • 1/4 blood quantum(certified by Tribal Enrollment Dept.)
  • Member of a Federally recognized Tribe (certified by Tribal Enrollment Dept.)
  • Resident of Michigan for 12 consecutive months (certified by GCC)

To apply for the use of the Michigan Indian Tuition Waiver (MITW) at GCC;

  1. Complete the MITW Applicationand submit it to your Tribal Enrollment Office.
  2. Be prepared to submit proof of Michigan residency* for 12 months prior to start of semester.

*Michigan residency can be determined by a copy of your Michigan driver’s license and one of the following: copies of rent/utility bills from the previous 12 consecutive months, copies of paystubs from the previous 12 consecutive months, or a copy of your Michigan Income Tax Return.


Scenic Background