Gogebic Community College

Tuition and Fees

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2023-2024 Tuition and Fee Schedule





In District Gogebic County Residents

$138 per credit hour

Out of District Other Michigan Counties

$197 per credit hour

Out of District – Wisconsin Reciprocity Area

$197 per credit hour

Out of State

$226 per credit hour


$266 per credit hour


A student’s residency classification is set during the admissions process based on information provided on the student’s admission application. GCC’s Residency Requirements..



A student’s residency classification is established when admitted to Gogebic Community College.

DISTRICT RESIDENT (Gogebic County, Michigan)

A district resident is a legal resident of Gogebic County. A legal resident is one whose permanent, primary residence or domicile is where s/he intends to return whenever absent from college. A dormitory/suite, apartment, or house rented only during college enrollment is not a permanent primary residence. Applicants meeting one or more of the following conditions at the time of admission will be classified with in-district residence:

      • The applicant is a minor who lives with his/her parent or legal guardian provided that the parent or legal guardian has resided within Gogebic County for at least four (4) consecutive months immediately prior to the first day of the semester in which the applicant plans to enroll.
      • The applicant is at least 18 years of age at the time of registration in the institution and has resided in Gogebic County at least (4) consecutive months immediately prior to the first day of the semester without being registered at a college or university during that period.
      • The applicant is an employee of a business or industrial firm within Gogebic County, and the employer, by written agreement, agrees to pay directly to the college all tuition and/or fees of the sponsored student for employer-approved classes.
      • The applicant is an eligible non-citizen who has filed Declaration of Intention to become a citizen of the United States and who otherwise meets the residence requirements of the district.


Applicants who fail to qualify as in-district residents but meet one or more of the following conditions at the time of admission will be classified with out-of-district residency.

      • The applicant is a minor who lives with his/her parent or legal guardian, provided that the parent or legal guardian has resided within the State of Michigan for at least four (4) consecutive months immediately prior to the first day of the semester in which the applicant plans to enroll.
      • The applicant is at least 18 years of age at the time of registration in the institution and has resided in the State of Michigan at least four (4) consecutive months immediately prior to the first day of the semester without being registered at the college during that period.
      • The applicant is an employee of a business or industrial firm within the State of Michigan and the employer, by written agreement, agrees to pay directly to the college all tuition and/or fees of the sponsored student for employer-approved classes.
      • The applicant is an eligible non-citizen who has filed Declaration of Intention to become a citizen of the United States and who otherwise meets the residence requirements of the State of Michigan.

OUT-OF-STATE (Wisconsin Reciprocity Area)

Residents of Northern Wisconsin are eligible for special reduced out-of-state tuition rates. A listing of specific counties is available in the Vice President of Student Services Office.


Applicants who do not qualify as district or Michigan residents will be classified as out-of-state.


Students who are not citizens of the United States of America will be classified as international.

Residency Status Information

      • Time spent at GCC as a student does not count toward the four (4) consecutive months needed for residency.
      • It is the student’s responsibility prior to registration to inform the Vice President of Student Services Office of any change in residence or status that would affect his/her classification as a resident.

Mandatory Fees

The following fees are considered mandatory as a condition of enrollment.

Information Technology

$4 per credit/maximum of $60 per semester

Institutional Fee

$4 per credit/maximum of $60 per semester

Student Services Fee*

$60 per semester

Facilities Fee

$4 per credit

Contact Hour Fee

$138 per credit maximum $414 per semester

Online Course Fee**

$20 per course

Directed Course Fee***


*applies to students registered for 6 or more credits

**applies to courses with no scheduled in classroom or on-site activities where the course instruction occurs via technology

***applies to students


Explanation of Fees 

The Information Technology Fee offsets the information technology infrastructure that provides students access to computer labs, student email, software, and IT security as well as other technology- based projects that increase or improve student access to technology.

The Institutional Fee supports general operations of the registration process and other administrative costs associated with attending college. Courses offered as C.E.D. or workshops, both credit and non-credit are exempt.

The Student Service Fee is assessed for all students registered for six or more credit hours. This fee defrays the cost of general operations of GCC’s student services. Supports student wellness by sponsoring programs and efforts for students on various aspects of good physical health, mental and emotional health.  In addition, the fee provides access to student activities including the Linquist Center and skiing snowboarding at Mt. Zion. Students enrolled for less than six credits have an opportunity to pay the $60 student fee to obtain activity privileges. This fee applies to students registered for 6 or more credits hours.

The Facility Fee helps defray the cost of facility maintenance and improvements to support a safe and valued learning environment for all students.

The Contact Hour Fee is accessed for any course which has an institutional contact hour greater ……

Online courses are defined as those courses with no scheduled in classroom or on site activities where the course instruction occurs via technology.  The Online Course Fee supports 24/7 distance education support.

The Directed Study fee is used to pay the instructor for designing and teaching the directed study course for an individual student.


Course-Specific Fees

Course specific fees are used for the expense directly related to the student’s participation in a course.

AMD 100             Introduction to CNC/QC                                                $75

AMD 101             Introduction to Automated Manufacturing            $100

AUT 101               Engine Repair                                                                   $925

AUT 102               Automotive Industry Fundamentals                        $775

AUT 107               Electrical/Electronic Systems                                      $150

AUT 108               Electrical Systems II                                                        $150

AUT 121               Engine Performance -Fundamentals                        $150

AUT 122               Advanced Engine Performance-Advanced             $150

AUT 123               Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles                 $150

AUT 124               Manual Drive Trains and Axles                                     $150

AUT 231               Suspension Steering and Brakes                                 $150

AUT 232               Braking Systems                                                               $150

AUT 241               Heating/Air Conditioning Electrical Systems          $150

AUT 244               Introduction to Hybrid Vehicles                                  $175

BIO 101                Principles of Biology                        $70

BIO 102                Biological Diversity                          $70

BIO 105                Anatomy and Physiology              $10

BIO 110                Ecology                                                $35

BIO 122                Botany                                                  $50

BIO 150                Field Biology                                       $100

BIO 215                Introduction to Microbiology       $75

BIO 250                Human Anatomy                              $75

BIO 251                Human Physiology                          $75

BLD101                Construction Practices I                                $175

BLD 102               Construction Practices II                               $25

BLD 104               Plans, Specs, and Codes                                $25

BLD 120               Mechanical-Electrical Installations            $25

BLD 201               Construction Practices III                              $25

BLD 203               Specifications and Estimates                       $10

BLD 205               Construction Practices IV                              $25

CHM 101             General, Organic and Biochemistry I         $40

CHM102              General, Organic and Biochemistry II        $40

CHM 151             General and Inorganic Chemistry I             $40

CHM 152             General and Inorganic Chemistry II           $40

CHM 201             Organic Chemistry I                                        $40

CHM 202             Organic Chemistry II                                       $40

COL 101               College and Transfer Success       $35

COL 102               College and Career Success          $35

CIT 170                Programming I                                                                 $20

CIT 175                Computer Repair I                                                           $20

CIT 180                Computer Repair II                                                          $20

CIT 200                 Introduction to JAVA Programming                          $20

CIT 251                 Fundamentals of Networking II: Cybersecurity     $20

CIT 252                 Windows Active Directory and Group Policies       $20

CIT 260                 HTML Programming                                                        $15

CIT 265                JavaScript Programming                                                $15

COS 101               Cosmetology Lab I                                          $800

COS 103               Cosmetology Lab II                                         $500

COS 105               Cosmetology Lab III                                        $400

COS 107               Cosmetology Laboratory                              $20

COS 108               Cosmetology Laboratory                               $30

COS 109               Cosmetology Laboratory                               $40

COS 110               Cosmetology Laboratory                                $50

COS 111               Cosmetology Laboratory                                $60

COS 114               Manicuring Lab                                                  $500

COS 116               Cosmetology Instructor Training Lab         $50

DWG 102             Industrial Drafting                                                                        $60

DWG 105             Introduction to 2D Auto CAD                                                   $60

DWG 106             Introduction to 3D Solid Works                                                $60

DWG 107             Advanced 3D Solid Works                                                          $60

DWG 108             Materials and Lean Manufacturing Processes                      $60

DWG 200             Strength of Materials                                                                    $20

DWG 201             Architectural Drawing and Design                                           $60

DWG 202             Tool Design                                                                                       $60

DWG 203             Machine Design                                                                               $20

DWG 206             Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T)              $60

DRA 101              Introduction to Theatre  $10

EGR 101               Engineering Graphics      $20

EGR 102               Descriptive Geometry     $40

EGR 103               CAD Concepts                    $45


FOR 107               Field Techniques                                                                     $50

FOR 112               Vegetation of North America                                              $25

FOR 113               Forest Ecology                                                                         $25

FOR 203               Soil Science                                                                              $50

FOR 204               Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

                                for Natural Resource Management                                     $50

FOR 207               Timber Harvesting                                                                    $10

FOR 209               Multi-Resource Assessment                                                  $10

FOR 210               Biometrics and Data Analysis                                               $10

FOR 221               Practice Silviculture                                                                  $25

FOR 226               Wildlife Habitat                                                                          $25

FOR 227               Land Measurement and GPS                                                 $10

FOR 228               Forest Health                                                                              $25

FOR 229               Consulting Forestry                                                                  $10

GLG 101               Fundamentals of Earth Science   $20

GLG102                Physical Geology                              $25

HIT 103                 Medical Coding and Billing Capstone                                     $214

HIT 108                 Medical Office Procedures                                                          $5

HIT 109                 Healthcare Data/Structure                                                          $5

HIT 110                 Introduction to Health Information Management              $5

HIT 205                 Disease Process and Pharmacology                                         $95

HIT 212                 Health Care Insurance Process                                                   $10

HIT 215                 Ambulatory Care Coding                                                             $10

HIT 216                 CCA Review                                                                                      $310

HIT 226                  ICD -10-CM/PCS Coding                                                               $10

IND 200 Industrial Seminar           $200

NUR 140               Fundamental Concepts of Nursing Practice Across the Lifespan                                                  $1390

NUR 142               Clinical Reasoning in Current Nursing Practice                                                                                   $80

NUR 144               Concepts of Nursing Practice in the Care of Patients with Uncomplicated Conditions          $1,240

NUR 240               Concepts of Nursing Practice in the Care of Adults with Stable and Unstable Conditions    $1,200

NUR 244               Concepts of Nursing Practice in the Care of Patients                                                                          $1,420

PED 160                Fitness Walking                                                               $10

PED 202                Responding to Emergencies                                      $15

PED 203                American Red Cross Emergency Response           $15

PHY 101                Physical Science                                                              $40

PHY 105                Introduction to Astronomy                                         $30

PHY 107                Introduction to Meteorology                                     $30

PHY 121                Tech Physics: Mechanic and Thermodynamics     $30

PHY 201                Elements of Physics I                                                     $30

PHY 202                Elements of Physics II                                                    $30

PHY 251                General Physics I                                                             $40

PHY 252                General Physics II                                                            $40

SAM 100               Introduction to Ski Area Management      $350

SAM 101               Ski Area Design and Layout                          $75

SAM 103               Ski Lift Construction and Design                $25

SAM 104               Ski Equipment Mechanics                            $100

SAM 105               Ski Area Maps                                                   $25

SAM 106               Snowmaking Fundamentals                       $600

SAM 107               Slope Grooming Fundamentals                 $1,000

SAM 202               Risk Management and Related Issues     $25

SAM 205               Applied Industrial Skills                                $75

SAM 230               Cooperative Work Experience                    $35


WLD 100              Introduction to Welding and Industrial Safety     $1,232

WLD 120              Thermal Cutting and Welding Processes                $324

WLD 140              Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)                       $360

WLD 150              Metal Fabrication and Rigging                                  $277

WLD 160              Gas Metal and Flux Cored Arc Welding                  $474

WLD 180              Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW)                          $450

WLD 220              Weld Inspection and Testing                                     $282

WLD 240              Pipe and Plate Qualification                                      $300

Campus Suites- On Campus Residential Fees

Housing Deposit


Single Occupancy

$2,400 per semester

Double Occupancy

$1900 per semester

Miscellaneous College Fee

Cost of Attendance 

Apply for Financial Aid 

Net Price Calculator

Special Circumstances



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