Smart About Money
The Smart About Money Financial Literacy Program at GCC is here to help YOU. Whether it is creating a personal spending plan, calculating a semester budget for the cost to attend GCC or making better financial decisions in planning for the future, we can help you establish money habits that can lead to your financial success.
SAM's Top 10 Student Loan Tips
It’s important to monitor how much you borrow. Keep in mind the length of your program of study and other expenses you may incur while studying. Maximum loan amounts may apply. You can monitor your borrowing by going to or looking up the information on your loan servicer’s website.
Make sure your contact information is always current, so you do not miss key communications. It only takes a quick phone call to your servicer.
An online account with your loan servicer is a good way to track your loan balances, payments, and other activity as well as an easy way to update your account information.