Gogebic Community College

Ski Area Management

Ski hill groomer

Ski Area Management Program Overview

  • Associate Degree
  • 2 Years
  • Main Campus - Ironwood


The Ski Area Management Program at GCC is one of the nation's most comprehensive training programs for individuals interested in pursuing a career in the snow sport industry. Technical and academic study is combined with a practical internship which is conducted at major resorts throughout Coast to Coast.  A valid driver's license is required for completion of this program. 

Unique Features

Students spend their freshman year and the first eight weeks of their sophomore year completing prerequisite courses. During this period, the Mt. Zion Recreation Complex is utilized as a training laboratory. Mt. Zion is our college-owned and operated winter sport complex located on campus which is open to the public.  


The Cooperative Work Experience assignment (Co-op) is the capstone of the Ski Area Management Program. All sophomore Students participate in the five month internship where they gain important operational experience in an actual resort environment.

Program Learning Outcomes


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Courses at Gogebic

Prefix Title Credits
COL 102 College and Career Success 1
SAM 100 Introduction to Ski Area Management 3
SAM 101 Ski Area Layout 3
ENG 101 OR ENG 105 English Composition I or Technical English 3
SAM 104 Ski Equipment Mechanics (8 week course) 2
SAM 106 Snowmaking Fundamentals (8 week course) 2
PED 202 Responding to Emergencies 2
PED 220 Fundamentals of Ski Instruction 1
ACC 150 OR ACC 201 Accounting I or Principles of Accounting I 4
Prefix Title Credits
SAM 103 Ski Lift Construction and Design 3
SAM 105 Ski Area Maps (8 week course) 1
SAM 107 Slope Grooming Fundamentals (8 week course) 2
PSY 101 OR SOC 101 OR HST 104 General Psychology or Introduction to Sociology or History of World Civilization from 1450 3-4
Limited Electives Limited Electives (see list below) 6-8
Prefix Title Credits
SAM 200 Ski Area Operation/Cost Analysis 3
SAM 202 Risk Management and Related Issues 2
COM 105 Interpersonal Communications 3
SAM 205 Applied Industrial Skills 2
SAM 230 Co-op Work Experience (2nd 8 weeks) 3
CPL 200 OR BUS 161 Introduction to Computers and Microsoft Office OR Microsoft Essentials 2-4
Prefix Title Credits
*SAM 231 Co-op Work Experience 12
Total Credits: 62-67

Additional Information

Limited Electives: select from BUS 101, BUS 130, BUS 133, BUS 210, BUS 215, BUS 230, ACC 151, ACC 202, ECO 201, ECO 202, ENG 102, ENG 270. *Students complete internships at participating ski resorts of ski shops. A 2.0 cumulative GPA (C) is required in all SAM courses as a prerequisite to enrollment in SAM 230/231 Co-op Work Experience Program.

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