Gogebic Community College

Student Dodgeball Tournament

A dodgeball team dressed in white, posing for a picture.

Dodge, Dip, Dive, and Dominate!

Think you’ve got what it takes to be the last team standing? Gather your 6-person squad and sign up for the ultimate Dodgeball Tournament! Whether you're in it for glory, bragging rights, or just a ton of fun, this is your chance to show off your skills. Don’t wait—spots are limited, and the competition will be fierce. Register your team today and get ready to dodge, duck, dip, dive, and WIN! 


  • When: Wednesday, April 2nd, starting at 3pm CST
  • Where: LSCC Gymnasium
  • What: 6 - person teams of GCC students, faculty and staff will compete to be the 2025 Dodgeball Champions! 

Bonus points go to the teams who dress in theme!

The deadline to sign up your team is April 1, 2025 at 4pm CST.

Prizes will be given to the team that wins the championship. Brackets will be emailed to teams following the sign up deadline. Sign your team up below or stop in the ACES Center. Good luck to all!

Enter your team name.
Enter the first and last name of your Team Captain.
List all team members first and last names.
Enter the student email address for the Team Captain.


Dodgeball Rules:

  1. Each team will consist of 6 players with 2 teams competing at a time. There will be 6 dodgeballs in play each game.
  2. Games will last 5 minutes. If one team is not eliminated at the end of the five minutes, the team with the most players still in wins.
  3. Dodgeballs will be lined up at center court at the start of each game. Players must keep their feet behind the starting line until the whistle blows or they will be eliminated. At the whistle, players from each team will run to the center line to retrieve the dodgeballs. Players may NOT cross the center line when retrieving dodgeballs. If a player crosses the center line, they will be eliminated.
  4. After retrieving the dodgeballs from the center line, players must go back behind the starting line before beginning to throw at the opposing side.
  5. Players must stay in bounds and on their own side at all times. If a player crosses the center line, they will be eliminated. If a player goes past the sideline boundaries, they will be eliminated. Dodgeballs must be thrown at the other team from BEHIND the center line.
  6. Players are eliminated when a “live” ball hits them below their shoulders. A “live” ball is defined as one that comes straight from an opposing player’s hand. A “live” ball cannot have touched the floor or have been deflected from any other surface or player. When a player is hit by a “live” ball, they are out.
  7. If a “live” ball is caught, the player that threw the caught ball is eliminated. The team that caught the ball can bring one of their eliminated players back into the game. A “live” ball can also be deflected by a player holding a dodgeball as long as the “live” ball is completely deflected by the ball and does not touch any part of the player’s body. If the deflected ball hits an opposing player, they are out.
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