Michigan Transfer Information
GCC partners closely with MiTransfer to provide you with up to date transfer initiatives across the state of Michigan.
General Education and the Michigan Transfer Agreement
If you're unsure about which academic program to pursue or about which four-year college or university to transfer to, MTA is a place to start when selecting community college courses. MTA requires a minimum of 30 semester hours of college-level credit which will fulfill most, if not all, of the lower-division general education requirements at participating four-year colleges or universities. These 30 semester hours must include:
- One course in English Composition
- A second course in English Composition or one course in Communication
- Two courses in Social Sciences (from two different academic disciplines)
- Two courses in Natural Sciences including one with laboratory experience (from two different academic disciplines)
- Two courses in Humanities or Fine Arts (from two different academic disciplines; studio and performance classes are not eligible)
- One course in College Algebra, Statistics or Quantitative Reasoning
Each course used to complete MTA requirements must be completed with a grade of 2.0 or higher.
Many Michigan colleges and universities participate in the Michigan Transfer Agreement, but it is the responsibility of the student to understand how the MTA fulfills general education requirements at their preferred transfer institution.
Some participating colleges and universities may require you to complete additional courses that cannot be satisfied with the courses listed within the categories of this agreement. To learn about a specific institution’s requirements, you should contact your advisor pr the GCC transfer coordinator.
When you submit your application for graduation your transcript will be evaluated for the MTA endorsement. If you have met the requirements your transcript will be endorsed. If you plan to transfer prior to completing your degree, you should contact the GCC registrar to request a review of your coursework for the MTA endorsement.
MiTransfer Pathways provide guidance about transferring courses in specific academic programs to multiple colleges and universities in Michigan.
Working to increase degree completion among transfer students, community colleges and universities have collaborated to simplify the transfer process by developing MiTransfer Pathways. This allows community college students to apply every credit to four-year universities in specific programs.
Explore MiTransfer Pathways at GCC in:
- Biology
- Business
- Criminal Justice
- Exercise science
- Mechanical Engineering
- Psychology
- Public Health
- Social Work
Questions? Contact the GCC Transfer Coordinator Karen Ball karenball@gogebic.edu
College and University Partners
Articulation agreements, Transfer Guides and Memorandums of Understanding (MOU's) provide guidance about transferring courses in specific academic programs from GCC to another institution. Students should work closely with the transfer counselor at their desired transfer institution for the most up to date information.
Nursing Transfer Credit Guide with Articulation Agreement
An Articulation Agreement is a signed agreement between CMU and GCC which allows you to transfer a pre-defined set of credits to CMU seamlessly. The Nursing guide is developed based on the completion of an associate in applied science in Nursing from GCC.
Business Administration Transfer Credit Guide
Elementary Education Transfer Credit Guide
Northern Transfer Track: Business Administration
Northern Transfer Track: Ski Area Business Management
Northern Transfer Track: Social Work
Associate's Degree in Nursing ADN to NMU's Bachelor of Science in Nursing BSN
If you are a College or University and would like to be added to this list please contact studentservices@gogebic.edu
Reverse Transfer
Transferred from Gogebic? Earn your degree at GCC with Reverse Transfer
Reverse Transfer is a process by which students pursuing a four-year degree could be eligible for an associate of arts degree in general education or general science from Gogebic based on a combination of your previous work at Gogebic and current course work.
By adding a marketable credential to your resume you are giving yourself the extra edge in the workforce and in further education. Some employers offer raises or promotions for college degrees earned. In addition, some four year universities offer tuition discounts to students who have earned an associate degree. Please check with your employer or your current college/university to learn more about the benefits you could receive by earning your associate degree from Gogebic.